Connection-oriented vs Connection-less packet switching


Below shows the comparison of  connection-oriented packet switching network and connection-less packet switching ,


  • In connection oriented packet switching packets are follow a same route source to
    the destination while in connectionless packet switching packets don’t follow same
    route,so in connectionless packets may arrive to the destination in a random manner
    so it’s required to stored and rearrange the arriving packets. This is a disadvantage of
    connectionless over connection-oriented packet switching  

  • In connectionless packet switching when if there any kind of fault in some choosed
    transmission link then packets route in a alternative path ,so this is a advantage over
    connection oriented packet switching(because connection oriented packet switching
    there is a initial route setup between sender and receiver)
  • Connection oriented is reliable data transfer while connectionless is unreliable. In
    connectionless there is no initial setup of the connection between sender and the
    receiver for the data transfer, because of that it’s can’t guaranteed the delivery and
    the quality of service of the packets
  • In connection oriented if there is a failure in a link or a switch,the initial setup
    process want to repeat for all the routers and it’s need to store in a switch that the
    information of all the flows routed through that
  • Congestion is possible in the connectionless while it doesn’t happen in connection
    oriented.Because in connection oriented by it’s initially setup,network resources are
    reserved for the communication duration.So packets route though that without a

  • Because of all packets in connectionless supposed to hold all the destination address
    and the routing information, so each packets need a lengthy field while it doesn’t
    need in connection oriented
  • There is a some delay in packet transferring until once the connection establish in
    connection oriented service while it doesn’t happen in connectionless packet
    switching because it doesn’t have a initial setup

  • Data transferring speed is higher in connectionless packet switching compared to the
    connection oriented packet switching , because in connectionless when packet
    sending by a network when it comes to a router then by that router forward that
    packet to the best router it knows(this process happen in connectionless until packet
    comes to the receiver)










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