How to download torrent Movies without torrent apps/software(
Below show some easy steps to download torrent movies without any software / apps .This can be done by your computer or smartphone. STEP 01: First we want to make seedr account.So open your web browser(Firefox/Google chrome/operamini/MS Edge) and type " " in the url box.Below give the url.Secondy fill the showed box(sign up) in the figure with appopriate entries(your email and strong password). STEP 02: After filling the sign up screen click "Register with Email".(If there are problems with your email or password it will show error message.So please give a good password and not used email for this site). STEP 03: It will popup a window like "save your password to your browser".So it's ok to save password to your browser. STEP 04: There will be a captcha screen appear.So select appropriate items and select "check" STEP 05: It will pop-up a screen mentioning that "Success". So select "ok"...